Cozy Combos

Bundle up with a good book and some extra treats with our Cozy Combos


eBook (with interactive links) 
set of 7 Growing Eager Readers enrichment lessons
save up to $4.00

Tactile book with inserts (& eBook with links) 
set of 7 Growing Eager Readers enrichment lessons
save up to $5.32

eBook (with interactive links) 
set of 7 Growing Eager Readers enrichment lessons
1 month Mentoring Membership (with weekly calls)
save up to $4.95

Tactile book with inserts (& eBook with links) 
set of 7 Growing Eager Readers enrichment lessons
1 month Mentoring Membership (with weekly calls)
save up to $6.93

SERIES of 7 books + 

7 eBooks (with interactive links) 
49 Growing Eager Readers enrichment lessons
save up to $8.98
BONUS: Piddlypedia student handbook (value $9.99)

7 Tactile books with inserts (& eBooks with links) 
49 Growing Eager Readers enrichment lessons
save up to $12
BONUSES: Piddlypedia + online Rebel Raid (value $29.98)

7 eBooks (with interactive links) 
49 Growing Eager Readers enrichment lessons
7 months Mentoring Membership (with weekly calls)
save up to up to $10.98
BONUSES: Piddlypedia + Rebel Raid + Paltrypalaver Vocabularium (value $42.97)

7 Tactile books with inserts (& eBooks with links) 
49 Growing Eager Readers enrichment lessons
7 months Mentoring Membership (with weekly calls)
save up to $14
BONUSES: Piddlypedia + Rebel Raid + Paltrypalaver + Comicoloring Companion (value $70.69)